
  • Zan Tosev Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje
  • Lazar Gjurov Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje


Leadership, Social Learning, Military Leadership, Alex Ferguson


Leadership in its elementary form is manifested through concrete forms of behavior of the individual leader. Leadership appears as an individual or as a personal phenomenon that bears all the hallmarks of human behavior. Human behavior should be understood as any behavior of the individual, both physical and psychological, both active and passive. At the same time, it is important for the behavior to be able to see from the outside how bodily it is, that is, to be aware of external signs, if it is mental.
When it comes to an institution, an organization with people in it, who work for it, who have set common goals, standards, it almost does not matter whether that organization is a sports, legal, political, governmental, non-governmental or military organization. It is important that it is an organization, with set goals for which it exists, with people in it, whose sole purpose is to give their share in achieving a common goal, with a certain hierarchy, with a person who is at the head of that hierarchy, manager or leader, who leads the group towards the realization of its vision in relation to the organization and its goals.
The paper will also address the process of social learning, namely learning by example, in all three forms of manifestation: learning by identification, learning by imitation, and learning by learning the roles. The purpose of this approach is to understand the process of developing leadership skills and qualities in young leaders by identifying with a proven leader in another field.
The similarity between athletes and soldiers is that they are trained in discipline, you always have someone above you and that greatly affects the achievement of results. There is a hierarchy, you are constantly under command. You just always have to arrive on time for training, to the match, that is, to respond to the obligations on time. You have rewards, but also penalties. So it is with the military. Teamwork adorns both categories. Kudos to the others, but the athletes, the military and the police are taught a discipline that does its thing. Both athletes and soldiers have an agreement that they must fulfill, and that is the logic of success. The leadership style used by Sir Alex Ferguson in his career can be equated with the leadership style and way of leading an army that a Chief of General Staff should use. In fact, the fans of Manchester United and Ferguson were an army of supporters, also known as the "Red Army".
Human behavior is conditioned by internal and external factors. The former are often cited as personal factors. Of the numerous classifications and divisions of these factors, the most important is the one that divides the factors into congenital and acquired, and the external ones into natural and social.
Sun Tzu Wu, through Clausewitz, to contemporary military theorists. The same units commanded by commanders with different professional and intellectual qualities, have different results in peacetime and in war. The commander is expected to be a teacher, a leader. To be a good leader, he needs to possess a whole complex of qualities.
The paper aims to highlight the leadership qualities of Sir Alex Ferguson. To frame them in the theoretical leadership posts. Then recognize them within an army context. To confirm that leadership qualities are universal and can be applied in many contexts


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How to Cite

Tosev, Z., & Gjurov, L. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE LEADERSHIP STYLE OF ALEX FERGUSSON – LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG MILITARY LEADERS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(5), 951–959. Retrieved from