
  • Vedat Bajrami Faculty of Education, University "Ukshin Hoti" in Prizren, Kosovo
  • Esad Kurejsepi Faculty of Education, University "Ukshin Hoti" in Prizren, Kosovo


Children with special educational needs, Funding policy, Education financing of children with SEN, Inclusive education, European Union, Kosovo


The purpose of funding for inclusive education is to achieve equality mechanisms in education, and this requires detailed information on the impact of funding mechanisms on inclusive education that can be used by policy makers. The research shows financial possibilities for the implementation of inclusive processes and the representation of groups of children involved in the research.

The aim of the research is to examine the financial opportunities for performing inclusive processes and the representation of the groups of children included in the research.

The achievement of the goal is realized by setting tasks related to children with SEN and children in different countries in Europe and in Kosovo; analyzing the education and financial systems in the countries inclined towards regular and special education; recognizing the support that individual students receive within the education: children with SEN. In this way you can get examples of good practices in order to apply them or adapt them to the environment and recognize the education system in a way that will show, at what level decisions are made regarding the inclusion (at the national level, the level of the local community, the autonomy of the school, etc.).



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How to Cite

Bajrami, V., & Kurejsepi, E. (2021). FINANCING POLICIES FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SYSTEMS IN SOME EU COUNTRIES AND KOSOVO. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(2), 365–377. Retrieved from

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