
  • Dragana Cicović Sarajlić University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Arts, Serbia
  • Ester Milentijević University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Arts, Serbia
  • Petar Ilić University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Arts, Serbia


Orff’s instruments, music literacy, music culture teaching, textbook design


The paper, using the analytical method, talks about playing an instrument as a role of music literacy in primary school students. The aim is to point out the importance of musical literacy and the role of playing Orff's instruments in that process. The content of the subject music culture in primary school consists of following activities: performing music (singing/playing), listening and creating music. Although getting to know the basics of music literacy occupies an important place in the primary school teaching of music culture, this area, until the fifth grade, does not have a separately structured section in the curricula. Until fifth grade, the content and manner of realization of music literacy are integrated into the contents of individual musical activities. Considering the subject of this research, during the analysis of curricula in the lower grades, attention is focused on the contents of the musical activity playing on instruments and, within it, the contents that are related to mastering the musical alphabet and musical signs. From the fifth to the eighth grade, in addition to the analysis of the content of the teaching area of playing an instrument, the analysis also includes, in these grades, a separate area of the basics of musical literacy.The paper it is pointed out the two-way connection of these two teaching areas that are intertwined and complementary, because the acquisition of the basics of music literacy is successfully mastered by playing rhythmic and melodic instruments of Orff's instruments and, at the same time, knowledge of the basics of music literacy and score marks allows students easier and more accurate playing of simpler melodies on certain instruments.


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How to Cite

Cicović Sarajlić, D., Milentijević, E., & Ilić, P. (2021). PLAYING AN INSTRUMENT AS A ROLE OF MUSIC LITERACY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(2), 347–351. Retrieved from