
  • Hristina Mitrova University “Goce Delcev” – Stip, North Macedonia
  • Toshe Krstev University “Goce Delcev” – Stip, North Macedonia


Scoliosis, rehabilitation, kinesitherapy, mental retardation


Scoliosis remains a current problem. Finding and reviewing information from previous research, I concluded that not enough attention was paid to this issue. From the information we have received so far from previous research, I concluded that this issue has not been sufficiently researched. Global data is quite poor and much of the problem remains unexplored. But the character of the development and behavior of children with mental retardation and the features of corrective gymnastics do not allow this program to fully exert its influence. It is difficult for the staff conducting these classes to keep the children's attention for a long period of time, which is necessary for the complete fulfillment of all the planned exercises. Hence the need to develop a new way and method that would be more successful in dealing with this problem. As a solution, the inclusion of games in the programs for physical education classes is imposed. The purpose of the research is to assess the employment opportunities of moderately and severely mentally retarded people, including some with physical disabilities (scoliosis), placed in institutional conditions. As a method for research work I used the analysis of statistical data for curvature of the spine (scoliosis), in people with moderate and severe mental retardation, in the Special Institution - Demir Kapia. The special institution in Demir Kapija, where I conducted the research, was established in 1958 and is intended for accommodation of moderately, severely and most severely mentally retarded persons, including those with physical disabilities. Research period: 17.02.2020 to 18.12.2020. During the research period I volunteered at the Special Institute - Demir Kapija. The results show that most of the users of the Office are men with a more severe form of physical and mental disability. Many of the users of the PI Special Institute in Demir Kapija have scoliosis. The results indicate the need for appropriate rehabilitation which for this population should be specially planned and implemented in order to adequately respond to all needs and complexities


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How to Cite

Mitrova, H., & Krstev, T. (2021). KINESITAPHY AND REHABILITATION OF SCOLIOSIS IN PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN DEVELOPMENT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(3), 513–518. Retrieved from