
  • Gorica Cvijanović Institute of Information Technologies University of Kragujevac, Serbia
  • Marija Bajagić Faculty of Agriculture, University Bijeljina, Bosna and Herzegovina
  • Dušica Cvijanović Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia


sustainable agricultural, rural tourism, garden pea, beans, wheat


Due to the fast way of life and work, there is an increasing number of tourists who opt for destinations
such as destinations where the environment is unpolluted and the production of health-safe food. The synergy
between agriculture and tourism can improve rural regions. In order to produce health-safe food with an increased
content of nutritious components and to preserve the environment, two directions of food production (organic and
integral) have been developed. The methods of organic and integrated production in rural households require the
education of producers. In the system of sustainable food production, there are increasing demands for the
application of organic manure, compost, as well as various biostimulators of plant growth. The application of
biostimulators attracts interest in modern agriculture, primarily for improving the morphological characteristics of
crops, improving flowering and fruit setting, increasing yields, resistance to environmental stress and the efficiency
of using nutrients. Biostimulators can be inorganic or organic substances, as well as living microorganisms (bacteria,
fungi and yeasts). The use of biostimulators is of particular importance. They can be applied during the vegetation
period, they have no negative side effects, unlike synthetic preparations obtained by chemical means or preparations
of animal origin. Today, the application of multiple inoculations with a mixture of different types of so-called
effective microorganisms, in which the following additives are found: molasses from sugar cane, humic acid,
phosphoric acid, a large number of microelements, algae, extracts of medicinal plants and water is increasingly used.
The use of microbiological preparations is becoming a mandatory part of the input in organic agriculture. The goal
of the research is to determine the impact of the application of organic and integral production methods in plant
species that are represented in the human diet.
According to the research carried out in different plant species grown according to the principles of organic
production, an increase in the tested properties was found. In the organic production of two genotypes of beans
using organic fertilizer and microbiological preparations with effective microorganisms, an increase in the protein in
the beans was determined by 5.92-9.54%. In the organic production of the two tested garden pea varieties, an
increase in grain yield of 21.15-23.47% was determined. In the integral production of two varieties of bread wheat, a
microbiological preparation with effective microorganisms was used in supplementary nutrition through the leaves
during the growing season. An increased content of total crude protein in the grain was found, which ranged from
1.56 to 3.98%. In the production of alternative grains, which, due to the chemical composition of the grains and
resistance to agro-ecological changes, are increasingly represented in the human diet, it is possible to achieve stable
yields by using organic fertilizers and microbiological preparations with effective microorganisms. In research with
two varieties of alternative wheat, an increase in grain yield from 39.82 to 40.85% was determined.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that with the plant species that are most represented in the production
system on rural farms, the application of organic and integral production methods can achieve high-quality and
stable yields. This kind of production system offers the possibility of development.


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How to Cite

Cvijanović, G., Bajagić, M., & Cvijanović, D. (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURISM. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(1), 33–38. Retrieved from