
  • Teodora Gechkova Department National and Regional Security, UNWE, Bulgaria


Maritime critical infrastructure, security, port security officer


Maritime critical infrastructure is part of the country's national critical infrastructure. In its normative base, the Republic of Bulgaria defines two sectors, which include the so-called "European Critical Infrastructure", such as:  Transport Sector and Energy Sector, with their adjacent subsectors. Port infrastructure is such an adjacent subsector, disruption of its normal functioning would have a serious negative effect on one or more Member States of the Union.

In the modern world, over 90% of world trade is transported by ships. International ports are experiencing serious difficulties as a result of the Covid – 19 pandemics; problems with crews; limited capacity of cargo ships; cyber-attacks on some of the major ports. China and Germany are finding it very difficult to meet their commitments to the production and supply of raw materials and supplies. Many manufacturers in Europe are forced to reorganize their logistics channels from China and the rest of the world because they cannot plan the time and price for the delivery of finished products.

All these factors can become a positive trend for Bulgarian ports, through which thousands of vessels have passed annually. From a strategic point of view, this is both an opportunity and a risk to the security of the port and all its adjacent infrastructure. Threats can range from terrorism to natural disasters.

This article aims to sketch the complex regulatory framework that regulates the sector and to offer a list of key functions of the so-called „port security officer“(the digitalization era supports these functions through the usage of artificial intelligence and the application of behavioral analysis to ensure port security).


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How to Cite

Gechkova, T. (2021). SECURITY OF MARINE CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(5), 945–949. Retrieved from