
  • Vassilka Ilieva Medical University, Medical College - Plovdiv, Bulgaria


electromagnetic hypersensitivity (ENS), pathogenesis, therapeutic, coping strategies


Electromagnetic fields are a factor present in the life of our planet since its birth. We know many natural sources that create electromagnetic energy, such as the solar radiation that reaches us and without which life on Earth could not exist, storms and lightning and electromagnetic radiation from cosmic objects. This is how the Earth's natural electromagnetic background is formed. With the evolution of humanity and the development of science and technology, many artificial sources of EMF accompany the life of modern man. Modern medicine is unthinkable without life-saving devices such as laser systems, magnetic resonance imaging devices, life support systems and physiotherapy devices. Man-made electromagnetic smog created by base stations, WiFi, power lines, transformers, computers and TVs, electrical cables at home and at work, artificial lighting, is the modern challenge to civilization. We are exposed to the influence of different frequency non-ionizing radiations. . EMF is produced by electrically charged objects and contains electric fields (EF) and magnetic fields (MF). They are a combination of a photon and a wave and are described with a wavelength from centimeters to thousands of meters and a frequency in (Hz / s). Electric fields (EF) do not penetrate tissues due to their dielectric properties. Magnetic fields (MF) can interact with matter by affecting ionic current through membranes, or by acting on charged molecules and chemical reactions. EMFs can be potentially dangerous, and the heal th risk depends on the level of exposure. Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) causes a range of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, oxidative damage and premature cell aging, DNA damage, carcinogenic potential and decreased fertility. Intolerance to electromagnetic fields, formulated as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), is becoming more common. The increasing use of various devices sources of electromagnetic radiation is alarming and presupposes serious work by the scientific community to develop the pathogenesis of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Complaints presented by people identified as sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMF) are similar to those related to idiopathic environmental sensitivity (IEI) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), fibromyalgia, somatosensory disorders such as somatization syndrome (ESS), intolerance to odor and noise.    People with declared electromagnetic hypersensitivity have serious personal and social problems from living in environments with EMF exposure. This requires knowledge of the clinical picture and diagnosis of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (ENS). The modern view of electromagnetic hypersensitivity considers the condition as a chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress and associated with genetic polymorphism of the body's detoxifying systems.


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