
  • Despina Sivevska Faculty of Educational Sciences, Goce Delchev University Stip, N. Macedonia
  • Jadranka Runceva Faculty of Educational Sciences, Goce Delchev University Stip, N. Macedonia


management, preschool institution, principal, education, licenses


The trend of the times in which we live, the intensive development of technique and technology, the rapid and intensive changes in all spheres of human life and action, including education, bring the need for a more serious approach and conduct of appropriate educational policy that would covered all the key determinants of any society, including ours. By investing in education, we are investing in our future and the future and perspective of a society. Hence, the investment is important, but also the obligation of each of us to create conditions for the overall and efficient development of each young person, which should be passed on to each next generation.
In that direction are the thoughts of numerous experts from all countries who are constantly looking for ways and mechanisms to increase the efficiency of education, at all levels, and at the same time set new tasks for education staff, including management, which due to the complexity and social responsibility of the work he performs, he must follow all the changes, achievements, constantly upgrading his knowledge
In the paper we try to point out the importance of having quality management in preschool institutions, with special reference to the role of the principal as a holder of this position in kindergarten. The very running of the preschool institution is considered a complex social and pedagogical phenomenon that requires much more than the passive performance of the function of director. To perform this function successfully, directors must possess certain competencies and qualifications. For that purpose, in our country, certain legal solutions are taken for professionalization of the role of the director in the preschool institutions, by developing a system for strengthening the professional competencies of the principals for the most successful management of the preschool institutions.


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How to Cite

Sivevska, D., & Runceva, J. (2022). MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL INSTITUTION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 51(1), 37–43. Retrieved from