
  • Merita Banjica Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Communication SEEU,Tetovo, North Macedonia


descriptive essay, recollection, character portrayal, teaching strategy


This work as an object of study has the reflection of a teaching strategy for writing descriptive essay turned into didactic scientific theory and its self-assessment by students. Creation is the highest level of cognitive field, where all knowledge is synthesized to generate a final product — individual creation — descriptive essays. The process of writing creation requires the activation of the processes of critical thinking, problem solving, and creative thinking reflected in the unique framework or whole creation.The strategy of writing the descriptive essay is based on the correlation of some theoretical scientific aspects such as didactic, psychological, constructivist, linguistic and communicative.
In this research, the method of scientific theory was used to clarify the key concepts, the empirical applied action method of teaching practice for writing descriptive essays. The research method of survey with pre-prepared questionnaires with open-ended questions and quantitative-qualitative analytical methods for processingreflected in the questionnaires.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect the advantages the teaching strategy for creating descriptive essay by students by acquiring knowledge of the writing process, applying procedures and developing creative mastery skills. This goal is based on several objectives:
* The first part will provide theoretical explanations of key concepts.
* In the second part will be offered a teaching strategy for writing a descriptive essay implemented with students of IX grades in the Primary School "Ismail Qemali" Gostivar.
* The third part will reflect the findings reflected in the questionnaires from the students' self-assessment of the use of the writing strategy, analysis and discussion of the data and will formulate the conclusions.


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How to Cite

Banjica, M. (2021). TEACHING STRATEGY FOR WRITING DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY AND ITS SELF-ASSESSMENT BY STUDENTS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(2), 425–433. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5156