
  • Anushka Dimitrova Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria


burning, plastic surgery, healing methods


Plastic surgery is one of the oldest surgical specialties. The name is derived from the Greek word "plastikos", which means to model or transmit a form. The term "plastic surgery" is first used by a German surgeon in reconstructive facial surgeries. As a separate discipline, it developed and separated after the end of the First World War, and in Bulgaria in the late 1990s. Burns and their treatment is an irreplaceable and a major branch of plastic surgery. With its development over the years, plastic surgery covers various methods of restoring complex defects of affected underlying tissues from trauma in various topographical anatomical zones - bone and muscle structures. The purpose of this Communication is to present and analyze stages of the historical development of methods for treating burn wounds in different societies and periods. The overview of the information studied is based on a documentary method and historical method. Injuries from burns can cause severe general disease caused by local damage to the skin, affecting all organs and systems in the human body. Historical evidence of applied methods and drugs shows an evolution in treatment approaches characteristic of their time. Modern medicine has new, innovative methods and means of treatment based on scientifically proven approaches in practice and in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of trauma, the objectives of treatment, and the prevention of complications. Today, the multifunctional approach applied requires a high degree of professional competence, such as the complex knowledge, skills, and professional behavior of medical teams in the process of treatment


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How to Cite

Dimitrova, A. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF HEALING APPROACHES TO BURNS – HISTORY WITH A LOOK AT MODERN TIMES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(4), 545–549. Retrieved from

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