
  • Maria Ilcheva Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, Bulgaria


rural areas, E-SMART methodology, social and economic development


E-SMART methodology is a reference framework for examining the viability and potential of rural areas
in Bulgaria, which analyses a system of indicators to define competitive advantages and resources of the region that
are not sufficiently used. It includes a set of indicators reflecting the economic and social development of rural
areas, as well as specific features and unused resources. As a result of applying the E-SMART methodology,
scenarios can be formulated to provide direction for development in the region, while indicating key resources and
assets. A leading objective for the implementation of the methodology is to identify scenarios and tools to promote
employment, entrepreneurial activity and social inclusion in rural areas, improve quality of life and sustainable use
of local development resources and technologies.
The focus for applying the E-SMART methodology is on rural areas of Bulgaria due to the following reasons:
 A huge part over 82% of the territory of the country falls in the so-called rural areas, where over 39% of the
population of the country lives;
 A total of 232 municipalities, which are 87.5% of the total number of Bulgarian municipalities, on 80.9%
of the territory of the country are categorized as rural municipalities;
 In rural areas, there are a number of specific challenges to be addressed with innovative instruments, after
assessing the potential and local resources of the specific region;
The structure of methodology includes six indicators that form the abbreviation of E-SMART as follows:
* E – Economic indicators;
* S – Social indicators;
* M – Manufacturing;
* A – Agriculture;
* R – Resources;
* T – Technology
The report analyses the application of E-SMART methodology for the rural areas in Bulgaria with a reflection on
the unique assets and opportunities for development.


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How to Cite

Ilcheva, M. (2022). Е-SMART METHODOLOGY FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF RURAL AREAS IN BULGARIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 54(1), 117–124. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5552

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