
  • Srđan Tasić Academy of Applied Technical and Preschool Studies, Niš, Serbia


salmonella spp., Japanese quail eggs


In the human diet, Japanese quail eggs are used in raw condition. A salmonellosis pandemic can be explained based on the fact that Salmonella has the ability to contaminate eggs without causing visual signs of a disease among infected birds. Agricultural households in Serbia often do not satisfy necessary sanitary standards for quay raising. The main sources of bacterial contamination are infected food, bad hygiene and storage of eggs in inadequate conditions. The subject of investigation were 48 seven-day-old Japanese quay eggs coming from one individual household. The presence of Salmonella was investigated both in the inside of the egg as well as on the shell. Isolation was based on standard bacteriological methods. Biochemical identification was performed using the commercial API 20 E system, and 6704752 profile was obtained. The Apilabplus V 3.3.3 bioMerièux software revealed 99.9% identity (Salmonella spp). Positive biochemical tests were: arginine dihydrolase (ADH), lysine decarboxylase (LDH), ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), citrate utilization (CIT), H2S production (H2S), glucose (GLU), mannitol (MAN), inositol (INO), sorbitol (SOR), rhamnose (RHA), melibiose (MEL), arabinose (ARA). Negative biochemical tests were: -galactosidase (ONPG), urease (URE), tryptophane deaminase (TDA), indole production (IND), acetoin production (VP), gelatin hydrolysis (GEL), sucrose (SUC), amygdalin (AMY), oxidase (OX). The presence of Salmonella spp. could be confirmed in 6 out of 48 swabs taken from the egg shells. Additional tests confirmed Salmonella enteritidis in all six samples. The contamination with enterobacteria could not be confirmed in the inside of the sampled eggs. Given the confirmed presence of salmonella on the surface of the Japanese quay eggs, continuous bacteriological control of the eggs as well as the water, the food and the conditions of the quays' living environment on the farms would be in the interest of salmonellosis prevention beside vaccination.


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How to Cite

Tasić, S. (2022). SALMONELLA SPP. CONTAMINATION IN JAPANESE QUAIL (COTURNIX JAPONICA) EGGS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 50(3), 343–346. Retrieved from