
  • Natasha Stavreva Faculty of Dentistry, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, North Macedonia


impression, digital, conventional, technique


Dental impression in dentistry is used for many purposes. One of these is to make a model that allows the study of fine details outside the oral cavity, which is sometimes impossible to achieve by direct prosthetic field inspection. This study aimed to review the literature on the comparation of conventional and digital impression techniques in aspect of procedure, time and satisfaction. The development strategy of CAD/CAM techniques included automating the production process and optimizing the quality of restorations by using new biocompatible materials, especially high performance ceramics, such as zirconia and lithium disilicate. Several reports have demonstrated the potential for accurate and precise restorations using CAD/CAM technology. There is some variability in conventional impressions and the resulting master casts, depending on the technique and material used by the operator. The accuracy of master casts has been the subject of numerous research projects, and is dependent on numerous items, including the water/ powder ratio, vacuum versus hand mixing, and the type of dental stone and its compatibility with impression materials. The advantages of the intra-oral scanning technique are: better patient acceptance, reduction of distortion in impression materials, visualization of three-dimensional preparation, reduction of clinical time. A lack of clinical studies addressing patient outcomes regarding digital prosthodontic treatments was observed among the included articles. However, current evidence suggests that patients are more likely to prefer the digital workflow than the conventional techniques

Author Biography

Natasha Stavreva, Faculty of Dentistry, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, North Macedonia

Department of Prosthodontics


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