physical therapy, low back pain, knee instability, electrical stimulationsAbstract
AIM: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a complex physical therapy and rehabilita tion program for treatment of low back pain and accelerating functional recovery in patients after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament for traumatic rupture . MATERIAL AND METHODS: Subject of the study was 24 patients, divided into two groups. The rehabilitation program in both groups included orthotic immobilization, standard physiotherapy program (including analytic exercises for the knee extensors; postisometric relaxation of rectus femoris of the quadriceps muscle) and preformed modalities for the knee (phonophoresis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and electrical stimulations of the muscles: vastus medialis and vastus lateralis of the quadriceps muscle). The patients from the second group received too physical agent modalities oriented to the lumbar spine: physiotherapy (analytic exercises for abdominal muscles; stretching for paravertebral muscles; mobilizations and manipulations for sacra-iliac joints) and preformed factors (low-frequency pulsed magnetic field in the lumbar region and therapeutic ultrasound - phonophores is with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). For statistical evaluation we used t-test (ANOVA) and Wilcoxon rank test (non parametrical correlation analysis). The ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS shows improvement of the symptoms of the patients, concerning pain relief in the low back, static and mobility of the lumbar spine and the knee joint, reduction of the periarticular edema, increased strength of the extensor muscles of the knee joint and abdominal muscles, which were more significant in the patients from the second group. CONCLUSION : We could recommend the complex program for accelerating functional recovery and prevention of the low back pain in all patients after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (not only in cases with expressed paravertebral pain).
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