
  • Tanya Georgieva Radeva – Lazarova South-West University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


Humanities, music, conducting, children choir, breathing


Children choral singing art is a complex artistic and creative activity, which cannot be realized without active and continuous training in singing. Thereby, the voice would reach its quality and would enable its stage performance. Training raises many questions related to proper breathing and voice training at the beginning of singing development. The teacher determines the starting point, selects the educational format and establishes the mutual connection with the students. From the very beginning, the choir singers should develop the right feeling and perception of the formation of sound in the vocal apparatus.
Children choral singing art seems to be valued more in terms of the age indicator, which cannot merely determine the creative achievement. This is the wrong approach in terms of the specific tasks that children have to perform in the future on the professional stage as choir singers. There they have to defend their status as young singers, their artistic presence, as their performance should be on a professional musical level.
The musical and artistic choral performance is associated with the achievement of quality sound emission, which means to master the basics of the art of singing - proper breathing and stable individual control over it.
When it comes to singing, it all starts with breathing, which is why the training in classical singing begins with working with the physiology of the voice and the development of sensory perception in young performers for self-control. Every choir singer over time should develop their feelings about the sound of tones and their proper formation. This means that they acquire sensitivity to the sound that characterizes their voice. They should be able to properly assess the extent to which their singing expresses the feelings and emotions embedded in the performed music.
Theoretical interest is drawn to the topics related to sound emission and breath support apogio in children's school singing, which should provide specific practical guidance in choral education. They are the basis for the development of artistic expression in singing and for achieving emotional impact on listeners/viewers. The practical activity in the training of young singers is necessarily connected with the so-called filare la voce (to draw out the voice). One of the most beautiful effects in choral singing.
Achieving the best singing quality requires special and effective exercises to learn proper breathing and exerting control over it.
Upon choir singing formation, part of the requirements are directed to the so-called voice hygiene.
One should never, even for a moment, sing without breath support. Its constant use, availability and enhancement are a guarantee for the voice that this shall not result in weariness or illness. The breath support ensures the correct and long-term use of the vocal apparatus and its preservation.


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How to Cite

Georgieva Radeva – Lazarova, T. (2022). BREATHING AS A QUALITY FUNCTION OF CHILDREN CHORAL SINGING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 51(2), 361–365. Retrieved from