
  • Abdulxhemil Nesimi Faculty of Islamic Studies-Skopje, Northern Macedonia


Quran, interpretation, science, miracles


At the time of the revelation of the Holy Quran, scientific knowledge was very limited compared to today, which has reached a very high level. However, descriptions of natural phenomena have been found in the Quran which make modern man think in astonishment and say: Is it possible? God's first message to mankind was read! It was neither accidental nor spontaneous, but rather had a definite purpose and deep meaning. With the universal message, the Quran opened new paths for man to be perfected as much as possible in terms of knowledge, because the ultimate goal of life is to approach the greatness of the Creator which is best known to conscientious scholars. It is first and foremost a Divine Book revealed by the Creator of the worlds, so it is natural for Allah to speak of creation, the precise arrangement of existence, thus provoking the human intellect in deep meditation when it says: “In the creation of the heavens and the earth. earth, in the change of night and day, there are clear proofs for those who have reason and intellect”(Quran, III : 190) Therefore, the intellectual formation of the Islamic believers has led to the discovery of most of the Qur'anic arguments that have scientific content, because without knowing the scientific data, how could it be revealed that they are described in the Quran, and vice versa. Based on this need, the scientific interpretation of the Noble Quran is presented on stage.


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How to Cite

Nesimi, A. (2022). METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC INTERPRETATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 51(2), 387–391. Retrieved from