
  • Natashka Andreeva Medical University – Pleven, Faculty of Healthcare, Bulgaria
  • Delyana Hadzhideleva Medical University – Sofia, Faculty of Public Health, Prof Doctor Tsekomir Vodenicharov, dmn, Bulgaria


students, education, satisfaction, factors


Students from Midwifery courses are educated according to contemporary study plans, including general, clinical, special and humanitarian disciplines. The level of preparation needs to correspond to current achievements of medical science and practice, and comply with national and European standards. The education process is consistent, continuous, and demanding of the students to achieve excellent professional competencies.
There are many factors impacting the satisfaction with the education process among students, but theoretical preparation, practical skills and formulation of clinical thinking are the most important. It is these forms of education that contribute to the success rate of students and that is why they have been identified as the factors which have the greatest impact on the formation of satisfaction, as well as the highest contribution to the development of future medical specialists.
Researching student satisfaction is of great importance for students and educational systems alike. Successful student performance during the whole course of education and increasing their satisfaction of the delivered education is characterised with a positive score and indicates good results, professional skills achieved and motivation among students.
Aim: This research aims to determine the level of satisfaction with the education process among students from Midwifery courses through analysis of concrete factors, which impact the process the most.
Resources and methodology: 215 students from Midwifery courses from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of education have been surveyed. Their opinions on the organisation and satisfaction with the education process in various higher education schools in the country have been analysed in the period between March and September 2020. Factors with highest impact on the level of satisfaction were identified to be the challenges which students have when absorbing theoretical and practical disciplines in various stages of education.
Results: The analysis of the data from the research shows that despite certain challenges, which students experience during the education process, they have a high level of satisfaction, leading to better outcomes in their education.
Conclusion: Student satisfaction with the education process and the determining factors that are important criteria for their successful education and professional development.

Author Biography

Natashka Andreeva, Medical University – Pleven, Faculty of Healthcare, Bulgaria

Department of Midwifery care


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How to Cite

Andreeva, N., & Hadzhideleva, D. (2022). FACTORS IMPACTING SATISFACTION WITH THE EDUCATION PROCESS AMONG STUDENTS FROM MIDWIFERY COURSES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 51(4), 701–705. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5118