
  • Rusanka Mancheva SWU "Neofit Rilski" Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


self-esteem, teachers, ways of reacting, bullying, classroom


Self-esteem is an important personal construct that helps the teacher feel confident in the learning process and related situations. The results of a psychological study with 120 teachers proved the presence of a high level of self-esteem in the subjects. The degree of expression increases with age, which is evidence that age is a significant predictor of determining the positive attitude of the teacher to himself and faith in their own abilities (F = 3,338 and p = 0,022 <0,05). The teacher over the age of 55 highly values his personal significance and professional competence. The aim of the present research is also aimed at finding a connection between the high values of self-esteem of the teacher and the typology of his reactions in a situation of established bullying in the classroom. The type of teacher's reaction is an important element in the process of settling, controlling or overcoming bullying. The classroom is the "arena" where bullying develops. The demonstrated authority and readiness to deal with the situation motivates the students themselves to participate in this. The results of the study prove the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the teacher's self-esteem and his behavior in the classroom.There is a positive proportional relationship, with a high degree of expression, between self-esteem and teachers' attempts to explain what is happening between the aggressor and the victim (r = 0.811 with p = 0.000). This is proof that with increasing self-esteem, teachers' interest in analyzing the situation of bullying in the classroom increases. A strong positive correlation is also found in self-esteem and discussion of the incident in class (r = 0.733 with p = 0.000), emotional impact on the victim (r = 0.747 with p = 0.000), conversations with participants in bullying (r = 0.698 with p = 0.000) and seeking professional help (r = 0.746 with p = 0.000). Inversely proportional are the strong correlations between high self-esteem and the imposition of punishment on the aggressor (r = -0.736 with p = 0.000), between him and the search for contact with the parents of the aggressor (r = -0.717 with p = 0.000) and the victim (r = -0.756 with p = 0.000), informing the school principal (r = - 0.743 with p = 0.000) and between self-esteem and "leaving" the problem in the hands of students (r = -0.819 with p = 0.000). The results show that increasing self-esteem reduces the demand for outside help to deal with bullying in the classroom. From the direction of the correlations between the variables, it can be concluded that there is a connection between self-esteem and the strategies used by the teacher in the presence of bullying - the higher the self-esteem, the more confident he takes responsibility for the bullying situation in the classroom with the understanding that he will be able to handle it on his own without the intervention of parents or school management.


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