
  • Albena Baeva Bishop Constantine Preslavski School, Shumen, Bulgaria


semantic field, time


Modern semantics (semasiology) explores a huge range of issues related to the vocabulary of language and the lexical meaning of the word. In addition to the traditional meaning and significance, the research also includes side meanings, stylistic and emotionally expressive elements of meaning. The denotative meaning, the conceptual meaning of the word is studied, on the other hand the lexical meaning is considered in view of the categorical meaning and significance.
The meaning of the word takes into account the real and figurative meanings, the types of transferences, metaphors, metonymies, synecdoches; types of productivity - expanding and narrowing the meaning, terminologisation and determinologisation, desemantization, phraseologization, archaization, innovation. The relations of words raise questions about the boundaries of polysemy, homosemia, and homonymy; in linguistic paradigmatics various paradigmatic lines such as synonymous, antonymous, hyponymic, typonymic, partonymic with structural character are intensively studied. The semantic paradigm is an expression of the systemic relations in the vocabulary of the language and at the same time a model for the study of the vocabulary of the language.
Modern semasiology has done much to study the field and component structure of lexical meaning. The field combines words with uniform type meaning by classifying them into certain classes with a single semantic area, and component analysis describes in detail the meaning of tokens and internal paradigmatic lines. In the article the semantic field is generally understood as constructed of tokens, in the meaning of which common components are contained. The study of the structure of dictionaries is a task of lexicology. The words described in the different types of dictionaries are organized in semantic fields. Unlike the study of individual words, either in etymological aspect or in change and evolution in their meaning, structural semantics takes as a basic position the study of linguistic facts in interrelation and conditionality, and the observation of individual facts as atomic phenomena is absolutely unacceptable.
The subject of the article is descriptive - to describe the field with the semantics "I spend some time" according to the vocabulary in the dictionary of Naiden Gerov. An attempt has been made to highlight some features of the field


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How to Cite

Baeva, A. (2022). THE SEMANTIC FIELD I SPEND SOME TIME IN THE NAIDEN GEROV’S DICTIONARY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(2), 301–303. Retrieved from

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