
  • Adolf Alakidi Faculty of Medicine, Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Vanina Mihaylova Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria


ergonomics of medical work, occupational optimization, impact on healthcare, patient focus


Based on the outlined periodization in the development of ergonomics of medical work, a "look ahead" is made, including the perspectives for the 21st century. The relationship of ergonomics to the healthcare work environment is discussed. The healthcare industry faces significant challenges, some of which are increased costs, increased demands, a construction boom and a war for talent. The optimization of occupational and management activity in healthcare is an area of practical application of scientific data obtained in the solution of ergonomic problems, resolved on the basis of physiological, psychological, sociological and other studies. In addition to the prerequisites for changes in healthcare, changes and trends are emerging within the industry: changing the nature of workflow, incl. multidisciplinary teams causing irreversible impacts on healthcare; industry trends, including evidence-based practice with a focus on providing an adequate healthcare environment; a focus on the patient - from provider to patient, a trend transcending the issue of environmental quality, providing it for both the patient and the care team. Taken in their integrity, the above conditions are an outstanding opportunity towards the presentation of ergonomic concepts and design principles, as well as towards the configuration of the healthcare environment

Author Biographies

Adolf Alakidi, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria

Department of Epidemiology and Hygiene

Vanina Mihaylova, Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria

Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Public Health

Department of Healthcare Management, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University Plovdiv, Bulgaria


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How to Cite

Alakidi, A., & Mihaylova, V. (2022). THE ROLE OF ERGONOMICS OF MEDICAL WORK IN STUDYING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE PHYSICIAN’S ACTIVITY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(4), 523–527. Retrieved from