
  • Aleksandra Patoska ”St. Kliment Ohridski” University Bitola, Faculty of law - Kichevo, Republic of North Macedonia


contract, will, legal ability, absolutely uncapable for coming to an agreement, relatively uncapable for coming to an agreement


In order to take part in some civil-law relation which products any subjective performances and
obligations, it is not enough to exist a law foundation but it is needed to be fulfilled all the facts determined by the
material law norms as a condition for it to become to be changed or to be stopped.31 Contemporary life may not exist
without the contract as an instrument in the law circulation. The suppositions for it to become are its change or
ending of a valid contract with an effective ability of the parties, their wills agreement to conclude the contract, to
exist an object and a base of it. The obligations relationships Law issues that ”To conclude a valid contract is needed
the contractors to possess legal ability to do it”. But, what happens if contractor is not possessing the needed legal
ability? Do contracts may be valid under certain conditions? The answer to these questions depends of the years of
oldness of the contractor who has not the needed egal ability as well as of the kind of the contract has been
concluded. As a rule, persons over 14 years oldness, as well as the legal aged persons whose valid ability has been
subtracted by a court Decision are completely legal concluded, i.e. they are absolutely incapable and the contracts
concluded with such persons are null and void. But, there is a disconnection which exists in the Law of obligations.
So that, the contracts called “everyday contracts” with a low validity, are taken as valid.
Relative incapable persons for concluding are the ones who have limited legal ability, they are the persons who have
fulfilled their 14 ages till its legal age, the same as the legal aged ones whose legal ability has been limited. The Law
of obligations generally issues those (relative incapable persons) to conclude contracts by the help of their legal
representatives i.e. guardian, but there is an exception to this rule, so the law allows these persons to enter into
certain contracts independently.
In the continuation of this written text are the different legal situations which may occur in a situation when a
relative uncapable person has been concluded a contract without the agreement of his legal representative or


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How to Cite

Patoska, A. (2022). ABILITY OF THE PARTIES AS AN ESSENTIAL ASSUMPTION TO CONCLUDE A VALID CONTRACT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 53(1), 167–173. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5434