
  • Tsveta Hristova “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Bulgaria
  • Teodora Todorova “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Bulgaria


abortion on request, midwife, nurse, prevention, women’s health


The problem of performing abortionson request is topical even today, significant for the reproductive
health of the Bulgarian woman. On the background of the unfavorable demographic situation, it should be set as a
priority to be solved with follow-up measures not only by medical specialists but also by specialists in the field of
population, environment, education, socialservices, media etc.
This report presents the dynamics of the number of abortions in Bulgaria over the last three years, 2019, 2020, 2021.
The focusis on abortionson request and the need for pre-abortion prevention.
The abortionon request is still practiced as a means of regulating children in the family, contraceptive methods and
means are not sufficiently known. Decisions to terminate a pregnancy are made under the influence of cultural and
material criteria, of emotional factors, different for different individuals. The medical prevention lacks a clear vision
of midwives and nurses as important health care specialists for the health of girls and women. The hospital is not the
most appropriate place for consultations, especially immediately after experiencing an abortion on request. In the
organized training campaigns, which are rare, they are not included.
Every woman should be given the opportunity to prevent unwanted pregnancy by providing information, training,
consultations, accessible contraceptive services with a wide variety of reliable, safe, acceptable methods. A set of
measures and legislative initiatives which aim at popularizing contraceptive means and methods needs to be taken,
increasing the health and sexual culture of the population, introduction of specialized training in schools, provision
of medical information on the optimal method of contraception. The public should be more actively directed to the
problems of abortion and reproductive health, health behavior in the conditions of a deepening demographic crisis
and on their basis to develop effective strategies to improve the situation.
With adequate medical prevention and care, with the support of public and state decisions, the number of abortions
on request can be significantly reduced and this will lead to an increase in the birthrate, as well as a decrease in
The conclusions were made that the midwife and the nurse can prevent the problem in the medical institutions of the
out-of-hospital care. The preparation of a training program for students of different age groups and its
implementation is one of the important preventive activities.


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How to Cite

Hristova, T., & Todorova, T. (2022). ABORTION ON REQUEST - TOPICAL HEALTH, MORAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEM. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 53(4), 663–668. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5475

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