
  • Penka Krasteva Valcheva University of Burgas “Prof. D-r. Assen Zlatarov“– Bulgaria


mnemonic tables, lyrical work, kindergarten


This article presents mnemonic tables as an alternative method for learning a lyrical work in preschool
age. It is clear from the presented survey that when memorizing a lyric work, children's teachers massively use
choral repetition and individual partial memorization of a poem. Both methods are methodologically incorrect.
Choral repetition of the text leads to a "hollow" recitation of the poem, without insight into its content and empathy
for the main feeling. The lyrical work learned in this way is reproduced by the children mechanically and
monotonously. Individual partial learning is contraindicated from the point of view of understanding and
empathizing with the conceptual-artistic integrity of the work and the emotional charge it carries. The results of the
conducted research unequivocally prove the need for the implementation of innovative techniques and technologies
for memorizing a lyrical work. For this purpose, the training of future children's teachers in the discipline
"Methodology of teaching Bulgarian language and literature in kindergarten" should be focused not only on their
skills for proper planning and structuring of a synopsis plan for perceiving a lyrical work, in which central a place is
occupied by the talk on the content of the text, but also on expanding their professional competence in the direction
of easing the efforts of the children in learning and recreating it. At the present moment, this stage of the work on
the lyric bag is poorly developed in the methodology and is often realized through mechanical repetition of the text.
As an alternative to choral learning and monotonous repetition of the poem, the mnemonic method can be used. The
most popular means of this method in preschool age are memory tables, which have a proven contribution to the
development of long-term memory and related speech. They are words, phrases or text encoded in pictures or
symbols that support the child in remembering and reproducing them through various associations. Tables can be of
different types, and can contain from three to nine images - memo cards. Mnemonic tables are especially effective
for preschoolers whose thinking is visual. This means that it is better to learn new information based on the child's
experience or with the help of vivid and concrete images. Reciting a poem by heart using images or pictograms is
much easier and fun for children than repeated monotonous repetitions. The described technology presents a
methodical algorithm for using the mnemonic table as a visual support for learning a poem in preschool age.
Presented in the form of a "pictorial record" of the poem, mnemonic tables contribute to the quick and easy
memorization of its content, which children associate with the pleasure of playing.


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How to Cite

Krasteva Valcheva, P. (2022). THE MEMORY TABLE AS AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR MEMORISING A POEM AT PRE-SCHOOL AGE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 53(2), 337–342. Retrieved from