
  • Afrim Fuga University of St. Kliment Ohridiski - Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid, N. Macedonia
  • Gabriela Rakicevic University of St. Kliment Ohridiski - Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid, N. Macedonia
  • Lidija Simonceska University of St. Kliment Ohridiski - Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid, N. Macedonia


Globalization, Assessing, Quality, Requirements, Hospitality, Habits


Hospitality, and especially restaurants, appear as a very important growing segment of the overall
economic life.Globalization, which is now more and more emphasized as a phenomenon and a reality, has
influenced a more intense encounter between different cultures, habits and consumer needs.This practically means
that there are dynamic and constant changes in the market that require adapting to customer requirements by
creating new services and finding appropriate models for improving quality.
Quality is a key element of service value based on which companies position themselves in the market, provide
greater market share, higher revenues and contribute to employee and consumer satisfaction.The essence of the
orientation towards the quality of restaurant products or services makes sense only if all aspects of quality are taken
into account, that is, if the activities are based on total quality management (TQM).
In order to provide quality services in the field of restaurants, it is no longer enough to know how to serve and
prepare food.Today, it is necessary to master many other disciplines and knowledge.Knowledge of the elements of
nutrition, medicine, microbiology, marketing and psychology contribute to improving the quality of restaurant


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How to Cite

Fuga, A., Rakicevic, G., & Simonceska, L. (2022). METHODS OF ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF SERVICE IN CATERING FACILITIES IN KOSOVO. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 54(1), 145–152. Retrieved from