
  • Ratko Zlatičanin Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Amila Jaganjac University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Amra Mačak Hadžiomerović University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Samir Bojičić University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bakir Katana University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bojan Kraljević University of Montenegro – Faculty of Medicine, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Vesna Samardžić
  • Adela Erović Vranešić University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


mirror therapy, rehabilitation, stroke


A clinical syndrome of vascular etiology is a stroke, which is manifested by a sudden onset of exophthalmos or a regional cerebral deficit that lasts longer than 24 hours, but can also end with a fatal outcome. The symptoms that follow a stroke, which are manifested in the extremities, depend on the artery that is affected, or more precisely, on the segment of the brain that is affected. The rehabilitation of patients after an insult is carried out through three phases, where a constant clinical assessment of the patient is required, in order to have an insight into the effects of the therapy. For rehabilitation, there are several therapeutic techniques that, depending on the degree of damage, can be included in different phases of rehabilitation. In Western countries, stroke is the third leading cause of mortality, and the leading cause of disability. In theory and practice, various treatments have been proposed for patients after a stroke, among which is Mirror therapy, during which moving images include recovery of function leading to cortical reorganization. Studies have shown that the interaction between the visual field, stretching and motor commands propagates the training of mirror neurons, giving such a cortical reorganization and the recovery of function of the patient after the insult. Aim of the research: To evaluate the effectiveness of Mirror therapy in the rehabilitation of people after an insult through a review of the literature. Work method: The search included a review of relevant databases: Medline, PabMed, Google Scholar, Research Gate. The literature review includes 5 randomized clinical trials. Results: Through a scientific review of the literature, the results of the importance and productivity of Mirror therapy in patients with stroke were presented. Multisegment therapeutic intervention, in which Mirror therapy is an indispensable part, the effectiveness of Mirror therapy has been proven. Education and recommendations, regular application of exercises and monitoring of patients. Conclusion: The effectiveness of Mirror therapy has proven to be very effective in the rehabilitation of patients after an insult. The methods and method of application of Mirror therapy improves their functional independence, which enables them to have a more successful quality of life. It has a stimulating effect on cognitive functions and sensorimotor performance, which makes it easier to carry out daily life activities, and at the same time improves the quality of life of people after strokes. Mirror therapy is a promising method because it improves the ability to maintain balance, tactile sensitivity, muscle strength and walking ability in people after a stroke.


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How to Cite

Zlatičanin, R., Jaganjac, A., Mačak Hadžiomerović, A., Bojičić, S., Katana, B., Kraljević, B., … Erović Vranešić, A. (2023). MIRROR THERAPY IN THE REHABILITATION OF PERSONS AFTER STROKE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(4), 539–544. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6140

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