
  • Lyubima Zoneva South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria


e-training, forms of e-training, technological education, e-learning


The use of digital information and communication technologies in educational practice is a basic tool for the modernization of teaching in all subjects and a prerequisite for the formation of the competences necessary for effective professional realization in the information society. The digital transformation of technology and entrepreneurship education requires the construction and management of a highly complex subject-information educational environment and the implementation of pedagogical design options involving different forms of e-training. In order to navigate through the vast diversity and make an appropriate selection, it is necessary to systematize and know the qualities of the individual types. Effective methodological interpretation implies taking into account the specific features of the educational process.
The analysis of scientific literature, educational programs and pedagogical practice reveals significant educational potential of such forms of technology-enhanced training through electronic means as computer-assisted, technology-enhanced, web-enhanced, web-based, virtual, blended, game-based, mobile training. Often, electronic forms are synthesizing in nature and manifest in different modifications, and an activity is described in different terms emphasizing particular aspects of it.
In terms of content and process, the curriculum and focus of secondary technology education suggest a variety of options for digital learning and training, but also impose certain constraints. It is not appropriate to reduce all students' practical activities to processing digital information or network work. On the other hand, the same form of e-training may require different types of digital activity of the learners - passive perception of information, interactions or expressions of creativity. The goal is not simply to incorporate ICT into the learning process, but to purposefully stimulate the achievement of higher gnoseological levels of thinking and knowing.
Some of the forms of e-training manifest themselves as specific methods for conducting other types of forms and are important didactic tools for achieving educational goals.
The implementation of the educational approaches (action-based learning, project development, learning through exploration, etc.) leading to technology and entrepreneurship education is possible through the appropriate integration of traditional pedagogical practices and diverse e-training methods and forms, without absolutizing one or the other. As a result of the integration process, variants of pedagogical design are created that are impossible to implement without modern ICT.
The dynamics of technological changes and innovations in pedagogical science determine the discovery of new opportunities for the implementation of secondary technological training through digital ICT and enriching the knowledge of their methodological operationalization.


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How to Cite

Zoneva, L. (2023). E-TRAINING IN TECHNOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(1), 203–208. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6404