
  • Elena Zlatanova-Pazheva Technical University Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, Bulgaria


generation Z, Augmented reality, mobile marketing


In the modern conditions of increased competition, marketers face the challenge of engaging the consumer's attention and offering him a high level of personalization. The focus of marketers' attention is increasingly shifting to Generation Z, which is expected to become the most important market segment for consumption of products and services by 2025. This fact indicates the future large market potential of this generation, which makes it an object of interest for marketers.
Generation Z are digital natives and have been used to living with technologies since their youngest days. They could also be considered as being less reluctant to test and use different types of technologies. They accept technology as part of their daily lives and constantly consume online content. “Centennials” demands for the emotions and experiences they want to have in the purchasing decision process are high. This creates a need for marketers to use such means so to be able to reach the consumer in the best possible way. The article examines one of the modern possibilities for achieving this goal, namely digital marketing.
Particular attention is paid to mobile marketing and technology of augmented reality, which can create a high level of experience for the consumer. Mobile marketing creates great opportunities for marketers to build relationships with customers and especially with the technology oriented Generation Z. The main reasons for this supported by data are discussed.
One of the most promising ways to create consumer experience is the technology of augmented reality. The technology of augmented reality in marketing focuses on creating a consumer experience by superimposing computer generated images on the real physical environment.
Data on Generation Z's interest in augmented reality shopping experiences are presented in support of the potential this technology provides to reach the technology oriented Generation Z.


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How to Cite

Zlatanova-Pazheva, E. (2024). TECHNOLOGY OF AUGMENTED REALITY - THE WEAPON OF MOBILE MARKETING TO REACH GENERATION Z. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 62(1), 27–31. Retrieved from