
  • Etleva Namligjiu AAB College, Kosovo
  • Karolina Ilieska “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, Faculty of Economics Prilep, North Macedonia


Digital marketing, impact, social media, growth, e business


Digital marketing is one of the most important things that affect the targeted growth and development of e businesses, digital marketing is essential for achieving business goals. Digital marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses, enabling them to create brand awareness, build trust, and increase consumer awareness. This study aims to determine the influence of social media based digital marketing on online businesses and impact of digital marketing (social media) on e business growth.
The role and applicability of social media on e business growth is the main topic of this paper. This study aims to determine the influence of social media based digital marketing on e businesses and impact of digital marketing (social media) on business growth. The study paper's goal is to evaluate the efficacy of social media and digital media marketing techniques on e business growth. The paper primarily examines the value of digital marketing as well as the impact of social media and technology tools on the efficacy of digital advertising strategies. In this paper, we bring a lot of information from different sources about digital marketing, where special importance is given to the impact of digital marketing on the growth of e businesses.
From the findings of this study, we came to the conclusion that digital marketing is necessary for a e business, digital marketing affects the growth of a e business and there are benefits of using digital marketing for e business. Based on the fact that recently e businesses have become very aware of investments in this field as any investment easily turns into profit, and based on the fact that digital marketing is the key to the success of business nowadays. The importance of this scientific research is that the knowledge gained from this work can be useful for another e
businesses, how necessary is digital marketing for e business, are they think that digital marketing affects the growth of a e business, how aware they for the benefits of digital marketing for their e business, what kind of digital marketing are they using for their e business growth, digital marketing (social media) affects e business growth. Also, it can be used to inspire those who have started their own e business, showing you the role of digital marketing in your business. Numerous studies with results have been published on the relationships of personality factors with business intentions and business success.
Also of particular importance in this research is the fact of how much an e business can pay for digital marketing, to spend time or provide adequate staff for the realization of various advertisements, for the use of genuine marketing.


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How to Cite

Namligjiu, E., & Ilieska, K. (2024). IMPACT OF DIGITAL MARKETING (SOCIAL MEDIA) ON E-BUSINESS GROWTH. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 62(1), 111–116. Retrieved from