
  • Nikola Stevanovski PZU General Hospital REMEDIKA R.N.Macedonia
  • Tatjana Trojik Faculty of Medical Science, University “Goce Delchev” Stip, R.N.Macedonia


Analgesia, PCA, patients, definition, administration


Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) is a method of pain control that gives patients the power to control their pain. Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) refers to any pain relief methods that allow the patient to self
administer small doses of analgesics as needed. In PCA, a computerized pump called a patient controlled analgesia pump, which contains a syringe of pain medication as prescribed by a doctor, is connected directly to the patient's intravenous (IV) line. PCA pumps are suitable for pain relief after surgery, for painful conditions of various causes, for patients who cannot take oral medications, or for people with moderate to severe pain.Within this specialist paper, we pay attention to the definition of patient controlled analgesia, as well as the method of its administration. Attention is also paid to the PCA pumps for pain and how to use them. Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of using this method for pain relief are shown. This specialist paper also contains analysis and research regarding the frequency of its use in the country and in the world. Finally, specific concluding insights are provided based on the research itself.


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How to Cite

Stevanovski, N., & Trojik, T. (2024). PATIENT-CONTROLED ANALGESIA (PCA). KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 65(4), 469–472. Retrieved from