
  • Temelko Risteski IKM, Skopje, R.N. Macedonia
  • Biljana Spirkoska Faculty of Medicine, Skopje, R.N. Macedonia


man, right, natural, learning, education


The starting base of this paper is human life as a highest human value and the right to life as top inherent and natural right of the man. According the theory of natural rights all other human rights are in the function of the right to life. In line with that those rights are natural rights. The right to education is in the function of the qualification of the man for life and for maintenance of his life in the natural and socioeconomic conditions which are enforced to man by his natural environment. In the moment of birth the man is „tabula rasa“- the being without any knowledge for objective reality. The life enforce the man, in the very beginning of his life some needs which, by his age and development as a human being, become a numerous. For supplying those needs the man learns.
During the process of learning or studying the man acquire the know ledges and abilities to which he has a natural right because those know ledges and abilities are necessary for supplying of his living necessities and for maintenance of his life. Having in view those facts, the right to acquire knowledge, as a right to education is a natural right of the man. This right is directly and indirectly in function of the right to life, and it is achieved through number of forms of informal or spontaneous learning and formal, by society organized studying.
The right to education, as a natural right, is the subject of the regulation of the more international legal acts which are based on the theory of the natural right. Among those acts the most important are: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Declaration on the Right of the Child, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Convention of human rights) and other international acts. The provisions on education contained in these acts are incorporated into the constitutional provisions of the states and their national legislations on education.
In the paper is analyzed the right to education, as a natural human right, in the international legal acts and as an informal and formal education. The analysis is based on the theory of natural law.


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How to Cite

Risteski, T., & Spirkoska, B. (2024). THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION AS A NATURAL HUMAN RIGHT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 65(1), 127–132. Retrieved from

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