
  • Evgenija Markovska Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia
  • Julijana Sazdova Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia


Spa tourism, health, Katlanovska Spa


One of the most famous spa centers in the Republic of North Macedonia is Katlanovska Spa. It is located above the village of Katlanovo and is only 20 km from the capital of the country, Skopje. Katlanovska spa is a tourist attraction and a desired spa for the treatment of many diseases and conditions (rheumatic diseases, gynecological conditions, post-traumatic rehabilitation...) long back throughout history. Katlanovska spa is also marked on old maps dating from the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. The proximity to the capital, but also the proximity of the highway, which passes only a few hundred meters from the spa, are the reasons for the first choice and a large number of visitors and tourists. In addition to hot water springs, the area abounds with natural beauties and natural rarities, as well as a large number of historically interesting locations. The proximity of the river Pčinja, the river Vardar, as well as the surrounding villages such as Gradmanci, Badar, Blatce, Kozle... are an attraction and opportunity for sport fishing and/or daily walks and experiences for every visitor to the spa. The purpose of this research is to see if the Katlanovska Spa has facilities for the development of health tourism, which would be determined through a survey of visitors from the spa. Based on their opinions about the spa, expressed satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service, their perceptions of what is good and what needs to be changed in the spa, appropriate conclusions will be drawn based on which the hypothesis that the spa has capacity for the development of health tourism will be confirmed or rejected. For the purposes of this research, the survey method was used, during which the visitors to Katlanovska Spa were surveyed. A short questionnaire of 11 questions was prepared and a total of 50 visitors were surveyed. After processing the survey questionnaires, the following results were obtained: most of the visitors have come to Katlanovska Spa from 2 to 10 times, i.e 52%. Of the visitors, 72% visited the spa for treatment, and only 8% exclusively for relaxation. From the service in the Spa, 62% of respondents are very satisfied, while 38% think they could get better service, but none of the respondents showed complete dissatisfaction. All respondents answered unanimously that they would come to the spa again. Conclusions: On the question whether Katlanovska Spa has the capacity to develop health tourism, 30 respondents (60%) think that Katlanovska Spa has the capacity to develop health tourism, and the rest of them (20 respondents, i.e. 40%) are not sure, but none of the respondents did not answer that the spa does not have facilities for the development of health tourism. According to the answers of the respondents, it can be confirmed that Katlanovska Spa has facilities for the development of health tourism. Modernization of the interior and exterior of the Spa, renovation, and special arrangement of the rooms to attract a larger number of domestic and especially foreign visitors. Cooperation with outpatient centers in R.N.M. who would send patients to rehabilitation in Katlanovska Spa. Cooperation with travel agencies that would have special offers for foreign tourists and introduce them to the possibilities for treatment and rehabilitation of Katlanovska Spa, as well as greater promotion of the spa.


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How to Cite

Markovska, E., & Sazdova, J. (2024). POTENTIALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH TOURISM IN KATLANOVSKA SPA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 66(1), 165–169. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/7007

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