hygiene, prevention, health, well-being, environment, promotional activitiesAbstract
From the very beginning, the educational process of adolescents has emerged (and is conceived) as an important perspective for their mental, emotional and social adaptation to educational and subsequently life challenges.
Often neglected as a scientific part in educational subjects with a medical focus, at the present time of the rapidly developing epidemiological diseases of non-infectious nature, hygiene is emerging as a major factor in the prevention and control. It is a basic preventive discipline, characterized as a science of health, determined by the interactions of the human body and environmental factors, be it natural or social. To a large extent, it sets standards and builds measures that can be successfully applied to prevent diseases, respectively creating optimal conditions for the life and well-being of the human individual.
The aim of the present work is to reveal the importance of preventive disciplines and especially of hygiene as a science dealing directly with the impact of the conditions under which the individual (human) interacts with the environment, respectively with the development of strategies to address its challenges. . The emphasis is on building appropriate mechanisms to deal with labor factors caused by the constantly changing (and updating) work environment that adolescents face. In this way, the emphasis is on the need for a modern educational process and innovative schools helping to solve not only pedagogical but also hygienic problems, thus ensuring the multifaceted development of the personality. The health and working capacity of the younger generation is largely determined by the conditions of upbringing and training. The effective realization of the educational tasks at the present stage of the educational process undoubtedly depends on the conditions of the existing material base. The hygienic organization of the conditions for education and rational regime of work and rest of the students ensure a favorable course of the educational process. Based on the normative requirements, the areas in the schools must be grouped according to the age of the students. The so-called area for educational work during the first period of study includes the premises for the youngest students - those from 1st to 3rd grade. Compliance with these legal parameters allows adolescents to adequately use the classrooms, providing them with a normal learning and work process. Based on the above, it can be noted that in this way the first foundations are laid for building in adolescents adaptation mechanisms helping to overcome the challenges of the surrounding work environment
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