
KNOWLEDGE IJ VOL. 65 (Selected Articles)


Dear colleague,

We are pleased to invite you for the next edition of the KNOWLEDGE International Journal  Vol. 65 (Selected Scientific Papers) which is planned to be published in the middle of August  2024.

The deadlines are as follows:

-  01.08.2024 - abstract submission deadline

-  08.08.2024 - full paper submission deadline

Additionally, we are sending the abstract and full paper templates. Please consider the templates in the process of structuring the paper.

The abstracts/papers shall be submitted in MS Word format to the mail

VOL 65_SR.pdf
VOL 65_MK.pdf
VOL 65_ALB.pdf
VOL 65_HR.pdf
VOL 65_ENG.pdf


Read more about KNOWLEDGE IJ VOL. 65 (Selected Articles)

Current Issue

Vol. 68 No. 5 (2025): Knowledge - Capital of the Future
					View Vol. 68 No. 5 (2025): Knowledge - Capital of the Future

Each paper is reviewed by the editor and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to two referees for double blind peer review. The editorial review board is consisted of 63 members, full professors in the fields 1) Natural and mathematical sciences, 2) Technical and technological sciences, 3) Medical sciences and Health, 4) Biotechnical sciences, 5) Social sciences, and 6) Humanities from all the Balkan countries and the region.

Published: 2025-02-15


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