
  • Ivanka Stambolova Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov MD" MU Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Mariana Pilaeva Faculty of Public Health "Prof. Dr. Ts. Vodenicharov MD" MU Sofia, Bulgaria


mental health, self-esteem, nurses, tolerance


Mental health problems affect society as a whole, not just a small, isolated segment. This requires all people, and especially medical professionals to develop responsibility for mental health - their own and that of other members of society. Reforms in the field of mental health in Bulgaria are mainly related to ensuring equal and adequate access to quality mental health care of citizens through the implementation of a strategy for prevention, prophylaxis and promotion of mental health, combating stigma and discrimination, as well as treatment of patients with mental illness and conditions.Mental, physical and social functioning are interdependent. It has been proven that people who are responsible for their health are less likely to have problems with mental and physical illness. Objective: To study the self-assessment of the mental health of nursing students and their assessment of public tolerance for patients with mental illness. Materials and methods: The study was conducted with 89 third-year students who passed training and exam in "Nursing care for patients with mental illness" in June 2021. The survey is anonymous. A questionnaire with open and closed questions was made especially for the purpose, the participation of the students is voluntary, 82.4.0% of the whole course took part. Documentary, sociological and statistical methods were used. Processing of the results was performed with SPSS 19. Results: About one third of the students rate their mental health as excellent -28.09% and 39.33% as very good. Given that they are mostly young people, with an average age of 28.3 years, this is an expected result. Other third of the respondents answered that in the last year they had a close person with a mental illness. Students believe that they have a responsible and tolerant attitude towards people with mental illness -64.58%.Respondents report that society's tolerance of people with mental suffering is very low -13.54%. They believe that the tolerance of society can be increased if there is the necessary information and appropriate training of different groups of the population - students working in the field of education, services and others


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How to Cite

Stambolova, I., & Pilaeva, M. (2021). MENTAL HEALTH - SELF-ASSESSMENT AND PUBLIC TOLERANCE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(3), 565–569. Retrieved from

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