resuscitation, intensive care, healing methodsAbstract
The term "resuscitation" derives from the Latin word anima (soul), and the literal translation means "return of the soul", "revival", "return to life". The concept of "intensive care" is broader in scope, which includes all methods and care of seriously ill patients in specialized treatment structures. In recent decades, intensive care has undergone dynamic development and improvement, but the fetuses of this medical activity are rooted in the distant past. Two ideas from ancient times possess the minds of humankind: removing pain and returning to the life of a sudden deceased. Perhaps both ideas arose simultaneously and for many centuries evolved independently of each other. Resuscitation is a section of the modern science of analgesia, which is engaged in restoring and maintaining the vital functions of the body. In its development influences have influenced various religious, moral and ethical, and political attitudes of societies. The improvement of resuscitation methods and their application in most clinical disciplines led to the creation of common intensive care units. The purpose of this Communication is to present an analysis of part of the historical development of resuscitation methods of treatment and the gradual onset of intensive care in more recent times. The overview of the information studied is based on a documentary method and historical method. Following the historical development of intensive therapy as a scientific direction in medicine makes it possible to appreciate the contribution, dedication, and empathy of the great personalities who, with their deeds, leave a mark in its improvement. Today, intensive care is a slender system developed in detail in all its multilateral aspects. Intensive care, as a complex of activities, fully covers the healing process, tailored to the individual clinical condition and personal needs of the patient. Treatment of critical cases requires training and professional training of teams to meet high standards and proven practices. In accordance with the experience gained in this specific field of medicine, the need to improve the qualification characteristic of healthcare professionals is also growing.
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