Quince brandy, physicochemical characteristics, Leskovac quince, Cydonia oblongaAbstract
The aim of this research was to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of quince fruit brandy "quince" produced by "Distillery Janjic" PR Vranje. In addition to sensory analysis, the content of methanol, ethanol, higher alcohols, esters, total acids, ethanol, furfural, volatile aldehydes, total volatile components was determined. For the purposes of this study, quince obtained by distillation from the quince variety "Leskovačka" was used. The average weight of fruits was 288 g, whose average dry matter was 14.2%. The processing of quince fruits was performed according to the so-called cold procedure and without separating the seed box. Machine grinding of fruits into pieces up to 5 mm in size gave a hook to which hot water was added in a ratio of 1: 1 until a temperature of 45ºC was reached, when pectolytic enzymes were added to act for six hours. After this time, the mass is pumped into fermentation vessels with a volume of 1700 L. Selected yeast is added after cooling the hook (the optimal temperature for moderate alcohol fermentation is 18ºC). Alcoholic fermentation lasts 10-15 days, after which the distillation of the pomace is started. The distillation of the hook is done with the help of gas with gradual evaporation and permanent removal of steam to condensation, which gives the so-called. "Soft brandy" ethanol concentration of 22 - 23% vol. During redistillation, 2.5% of the first one is removed. Redistillation is stopped when the amount of ethanol in the redistillate drops to 55% vol. In order to obtain the final product, with specific organoleptic properties and harmony, the so-called transitional coupling of colorless redistillate and after "aging" of six months and main coupage (at 40% vol). From 100 kg of quince, made 5.5 L of brandy with 40% vol. Based on the results of the analyzed parameters, the tested sample of fruit brandy "Dunjevača" corresponds to the prescribed legal provisions.
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