
  • Milica Stanković The Academy of Applied Technical and Preschool Studies, Republic of Serbia
  • Jovana Džoljić The Academy of Applied Technical and Preschool Studies, Republic of Serbia


green entrepreneurship, green economy, entrepreneurship, ecology


The development of the green economy is one of the key instruments for achieving sustainable
development, for the protection and preservation of natural resources, for reducing poverty, creating opportunities
for new jobs and for decent work and moving the world towards development with a reduced level of carbon dioxide
emissions. In recent times, the green economy stands out as a generally accepted concept, way of thinking and
business model. The concept of a green economy represents an economy whose performance leads to the
improvement of human well-being and social equality, while significantly reducing environmental risks. A green
economy is an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equality while simultaneously
reducing environmental risks and environmental scarcity. The concept of "green entrepreneurship" derives from a
combination of the main characteristics of entrepreneurship itself - innovation, risk, a completely new business idea
and environmental and social engagement of the entrepreneur. Green entrepreneurship includes: offering products or
services whose consumption leads to a change in consumer behavior, reducing the negative impact on the
environment; harmonization of environmental and economic goals of the company; introducing innovative
ecological solutions for problems related to the production and consumption of products and services; developing
business models that can contribute to sustainable economic development. Many entrepreneurs have adopted
environmental strategies with the aim to create a green image and implement green innovations. Green innovations
have a positive impact on company performance and can contribute to long-term growth and sustainable competitive
advantage for companies through cost reduction, increased productivity and product differentiation, thereby
increasing consumer loyalty, which leads to financial benefits for the company. The aim of the paper is to point out
the importance of the development of green entrepreneurship and green economy. In the first part of the paper, the
concept of green economy is analyzed. The second part of the paper is dedicated to green entrepreneurship and the
importance of green entrepreneurship for the performance of companies. After a comprehensive analysis of the
available literature, relevant conclusions are given.


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How to Cite

Stanković, M., & Džoljić, J. (2022). GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A PATH TOWARDS GREEN ECONOMY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 53(1), 29–34. Retrieved from

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