ecology, ecological ethics, environment, ecocentricity, peopleAbstract
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it can be rightly said that human populations face
environmental challenges in the history of this planet. The fact is that there are many people on earth today, far more
than the ecological balance our planet can support, which is why we face numerous problems, loss of biodiversity,
climate problems. For this reason, people are consuming non-renewable or very slowly renewable resources at high
speed, and this clearly indicates to us the very serious problems that we are facing today, and which people will
especially face in the future. This dominant attitude of people towards nature, which is why today the entire planet is
in danger of complete degradation, conditioned that we are today at a time when the ethics reflected in the field of
environment are neglected. The survival on the planet will be increasingly difficult without new nature-oriented
morale, but also an ethics that is to consider future generations as objects of our moral responsibilities
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