
  • Teodora Dimcheva Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria


primary medicine, general practitioners (GP`s), health care policy, health care reform, health care legislation


The key to a successful organization and high quality each health care systems is the optimization of their
sources. The priority place and role of the primary care are undeniable and officially recognized. The establishment
of the primary care requires political will, a legislation base, public commitment, and financially fundings. The
primary health care is not only the first stage in medical care, but also creates new doctor-patient relationships, new
ethical issues, and a new health culture. Directly reflects of the economic, socio-political, and cultural history of the
society. The concept of primary health care (PHC) evolved during the 1970s, influenced by and influencing the
basic needs approach to social development. It explicitly outlined a strategy that respond more equitably,
appropriately, and effectively to basic health care needs and also address the underlying social, economic, and
political causes of poor health. Certain principles are to underpin the PHC approach, namely, universal accessibility
and coverage based on need; comprehensive care with the emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion;
community and individual involvement and self-reliance; intersectoral action for health; and appropriate technology
and cost-effectiveness in relation to the available resources. Some of the changes required include the redistribution
of existing resources (financial, material, and human) for health; a reorientation and a broadening of the skills of
health personnel to enable them to respond to the challenges of implementing PHC and to work in teams as well as
with other sector professionals and communities; and improved design, planning, and management of the health
system to facilitate greater community involvement, intersectoral collaboration, and decentralization.
This article aims to present in a historical aspect the development of primary health care in Bulgaria, its organization
and functioning.

Author Biography

Teodora Dimcheva, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Department of Medical Informatics, Biostatistics and e-Learning


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How to Cite

Dimcheva, T. (2022). PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN BULGARIA - REVIEW. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(4), 563–569. Retrieved from