
  • Violeta Ivanova Trakia University, Faculty of Medicine - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
  • Ruska Paskaleva Trakia University, Faculty of Medicine - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
  • Vanya Pavlova Trakia University, Faculty of Medicine - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


spine, vertebroplasty, rehabilitation


Fractures of the vertebrae of the spine are one of the rarest, but if they do happen, they are also one of the
most serious injuries. Some of them can be the cause of extremely severe disability up to complete immobility.
When they are a consequence of compression of the spine, they are still a serious health problem, regardless of the
availability of effective options for their treatment. To treat pain and strengthen the strength of the vertebrae in
patients with spinal fractures, as a result of osteoporosis, trauma or metastases from malignant diseases, the
minimally invasive technique of vertebroplasty is applied. Rehabilitation after a spinal fracture includes several
stages to restore the physiological and motor functions of the body. The aim of the present work is to compile and
implement an individual rehabilitation program in the late postoperative period after vertebroplasty of the spine. A
rehabilitation program was implemented in the late postoperative period of a patient after vertebroplasty at the level
of TH11, L2, including physical therapy, kinesitherapy and therapeutic massage. The patient's recovery was
monitored after one treatment course within two weeks. Before starting the treatment course, the necessary diagnosis
of the patient was carried out by tests of spinal mobility, test of shortened muscles, tests of balance reactions and
visual-analog scale (VAS) for pain.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, V., Paskaleva, R., & Pavlova, V. (2022). EFFECT OF REHABILITATION AFTER VERTEBROPLASTY OF SPINE AT TH11, L2 LEVEL - A CLINICAL CASE REPORT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(4), 693–698. Retrieved from http://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5770

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