
  • Boyan Ignatov Mediclim EOOD, Bulgaria


inequalities, IVD, diagnostic, healthcare, finacing


Health inequities are all measurable differences in health, access and use of health care, as well as the
distribution of health care resources among different individuals, genders, races, ethnicities, geographic, and social
groups. They exist due to various reasons, such as genetic and inherited factors, lifestyle, personal choices, etc. and
are not necessarily unfair. Health inequalities are a factor mediating the inputs and outputs of health systems.
Financial resources are the most important inputs for health systems. They largely determine their ability to provide
adequate and quality health care. On the other hand, improvements in health are the main expected outcome of the
operation of any health system. This article examines the development of the IVD market in the EU countries for the
period 2014 - 2020. Various indicators related to the financing of this segment of the health systems are compared
and dynamically analyzed. The goal is to prove the existence or absence of inequalities between EU countries.


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How to Cite

Ignatov, B. (2022). INEQUALITIES IN IVD MARKET IN EU COUNTRIES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(4), 823–830. Retrieved from