
  • Amela Salihović University of Sarajevo- The Faculty of Health Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Minja Bondžulić University of Sarajevo- The Faculty of Health Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Dalila Karapuš University of Sarajevo- The Faculty of Health Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Jasmina Mahmutović University of Sarajevo- The Faculty of Health Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


mental health, problems in mental health protection, risk factors, stigma, education and promotion


Mental, physical and social well-being are interrelated parts of health that represent an indispensable importance for the overall health of individuals. Mental health is of crucial importance for the overall health of individuals, countries and communities. A mentally healthy individual is able to use available resources in a dynamic environment. Components that contribute to internal mental balance are: cognitive, social, control over one's own emotions, empathy, fulfilling and realizing social roles, positive harmony of physical and psychological well-being of the organism. The organization of the health care system in many countries of the world prioritizes physical health over mental health. The World Health Organization informs that: mental, neurological and substance abuse disorders account for 10% of the global burden of disease and 30% of the burden of non-fatal diseases; it is estimated that every fifth young person has a mental disorder; depression is a common mental disorder, globally it is estimated that 5.0% of adults suffer from depression; about half of mental disorders begin before the age of 14; almost 800,000 people die by suicide every year, 1 person dies by suicide every 40 seconds. Mental health disorders can develop in any age group, however, the risk factors for the development of mental disorders are: poverty, unemployment, displaced persons, children, adolescents, abused persons and persons of the third age The family, as the basic unit of society, represents the first level in protection mental health, after that the work environment, educational institutions, but also public places where the population resides play a major role. Research results report that the development of mental disorders is influenced by genetics, which can be stimulated by socioeconomic factors and the lifestyles of individuals. A way of life that dictates faster social changes, social isolation, violence, poverty, stress in the environment, somatic diseases and violation of human rights are the most common risk factors for the impairment of mental health. Overcoming the stigma associated with mental health is an international issue. More than 70% of people in need of mental health services had no access to care. The mental health treatment gap adds to the enormous burden of mental illness worldwide. Reducing stigma can lead to a narrowing of that gap. Stigma is conceptualized as the simultaneous occurrence of several dimensions: labeling, stereotyping, separation, loss of status and discrimination. It is necessary to provide health care users with timely information, to strengthen awareness of the importance of preserving mental health, to present the possibilities of treatment of diseases, to enable insight and knowledge about basic human rights, and in this way to reduce obstacles in the treatment of mental disorders. Special attention should be paid to the operation of a multisectoral approach in the preservation of mental health, all with the aim of better monitoring, assessment, successful action and long-term planning in the mental health segment. Given that mental health is an inseparable component of general health, financial support is necessary in order to preserve and improve mental health.


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How to Cite

Salihović, A., Bondžulić, M., Karapuš, D., & Mahmutović, J. (2023). PROBLEMS IN MENTAL HEALTH PROTECTION IN MODERN SOCIETY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(4), 585–590. Retrieved from

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