Social technology and social work for children and families at risk to overcome cognitive dismoderate intercourseAbstract
Social planning in social work is defined in the aspect of a process, highlighting methods and approaches needed in various problematic situations, leading to the incorrect refraction of feedback in the process of communication (cognitive dismoderate intercourse). In the second decade of the 20th century, social forecasters indicated the need for groups and individuals to have coping skills. The hallmarks of social planning are efficiency, predictability, and minimizing job-specific misconceptions. Planning in social work goes through stages, such as analyzing the problematic situation and assessment in terms of the necessary needs, considering the resource capacity, making decisions for action, planning expertise and approving the activity. Social planning contains values and approaches related to the effective use of social programs to improve the quality of life, analyzing the factors determining the level of social problems by considering the interrelated components and allocating funds to applicable assistance from others.
The research methodology includes the analysis of social modeling and social work for children and families at risk. The empirical model of the practice integrates the empirical assessment to establish the feedback, that is, the corrective procedural intervention and shaping the theoretical framework, by observing the empirical relations for the alternative orientations in the practice.
The purpose of the research is to show the preventive-pedagogical methods suitable for social management and social work with children and families at risk. There is a growing need for personnel who understand the substantive side of social work to improve the quality of life of the objects of social preventive activity, and in this case children and families at risk.
The results show new standards in the performance of the tasks dictated by the social activity theme, when working with children and families at risk, they can arise from the situation that is specific and be in diverse directions and alternative solutions in the context of a wide range. Preventive techniques are inevitably carried out with the emphasis on the adequate assessment of the needs of the object, brought to attention by the social organization.
Conclusions: Today, social individual work with children and families at risk is methodical in nature and the psychoanalytic approach is reduced to the context of techniques and ideas from humane pedagogy, behavioral, cognitive vision of social changes and the individual in their unison.
Recommendations: It is necessary for the social worker to analyze in detail the information provided to him in advance, accompanied by opportunities for the realization of his work duties, as well as for making requests, complaints, proposals for a way out of risky situations.
Additional data: Cognitive dismoderate intercourse is an unexplored, hitherto, social, communicative problem in the psychological spectrum of moderation in human consciousness, reflecting on the refraction of feedback in the process of communication, implicitly (implicitly) , to maintain, self-control and explicitly (clearly), expresses his preceptive attitudes, influencing the moment of communication. In practice, there is dismoderial feedback, namely incorrect reading of behavioral signals in the communication process.
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