
  • Bilyana Rangelova Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Bulgaria


swimming, students, innovative learning, educational maps


In modern education, it is essential to stimulate the creativity of students. Motor activities and a healthy lifestyle are critical for young people's education. The digital world that we live in has made young people dependent on and increasingly immobilised them, creating significant health risks. Developing an innovative method of working in the learning process in the swimming training of student sports pedagogues would lead to the enrichment of the curriculum, which they, in turn, will apply in their work with students. Teachers need to improve the educational results of pupils and students to increase their creative thinking and motor skills through innovative educational methods. Therefore, innovative ways to teach physical education and sports classes are significant for attracting students to sports activities and a healthy lifestyle. /Chapter 3, Article 3 of the DOS/. Health education is inextricably linked to healthy nutrition and sports. To further develop the concept of health education as a purposeful pedagogical process for the formation and development of the health culture of the individual and society, which will ensure a high level of physical and mental health of pupils and students in an individual and social plan, it is necessary to test innovative programs. The purpose of the present research is to investigate the opinion of specialists (swimming teachers) regarding the approbation of specially developed educational cards in the swimming lesson. We conducted an anonymous survey of 43 swimming teachers. From the obtained results, the biggest impression is that more than half of the specialists who took part in the study would use the educational cards we have proposed in the training of people of all ages. 83% of them would recommend Sports-Swimming and Health Education Cards to their colleagues. The obtained results give us a reason to claim that the proposed innovative program would be helpful for teachers and learners.


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How to Cite

Rangelova, B. (2023). INNOVATIVE SWIMMING TRAINING THROUGH EDUCATIONAL CARDS (EXPERT OPINION SURVEY). KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 59(2), 187–191. Retrieved from