IT, WEB technologies, Digital libraries, Library 1.0, Library 2.0, Library 3.0Abstract
The changes and the challenges brought by the Digital era have strong influence in every domain of the human life. The development of the Information technology and the Internet makes the digitalization inevitable part for functioning of the institutions and organizations in the field of education, health care, government, industry and others. The digitalization enables the huge amounts of information to be easily and quickly accessible for the users. Especially interesting are the changes in the educational institutions where the information is the key element in the process of studying and research. Besides the access to huge amounts of information, the digitalization also provides possibility for every user to add new content in terms of description or interpretation of already existing digital subject, as well as defining Meta data that would help in some advance research. As well as the educational system the libraries have found themselves in the whirlpool of the new information and web technologies that define their development as well as the transformations that arise from that. The new web services being developed from version 1.0 to 5.0 and their advanced applications made the libraries to implement those tools, and they can offer to their users easier and faster approach to the information needed. Every web generation creates its own generation of libraries and therefore today we recognize the concept of the Library 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.4 and the concept Library 5.0 The University of “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola has an important mission to develop and improve the educational process and scientific research work. In that context, the University library “St Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola as inseparable part of the university holds an important role in realization of these two processes as a source of information and accumulated knowledge. In order to respond to these kinds of challenges it needs to hold pace with WEB technologies and advanced applications that are being offered by those technologies. The first step was to approach to the process of Digitalization, by what the library's materials would become accessible to mobile devices by internet. In this paper we present ideas and directions that would help the University library in the process of its transition to the concept Library 3.0, which will respond to the contemporary needs and challenges of every person as well as the whole community in order to be competitive in the modern lifestyle.
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