
  • Petya Krumova Trakia University, Medical College, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


quality of health care, quality of training, feedback


Health care is the subject of attention from various spheres of public life. This fact is mainly determined by the pace of rapid development of diagnostic, therapeutic and pharmaceutical medical technologies. The problem of health care quality is becoming more and more topical. Although the term "quality of health care" is quite comprehensive and broad, it is definitely accepted by the community, and discussions related to it are increasing in the public domain. Continuous quality improvement is an unavoidable goal for any modern organisation that seeks to progress, to expand its activities, to increase its competitiveness and to meet the needs and expectations of its users. Since the launch of the health care reform in Bulgaria, the quality of health care has been increasingly discussed. The provision of quality health care to the population is a major objective in the process of shaping the professional competences of health care professionals. In order to ensure the quality of health care for patients, it is necessary to first ensure the quality of training. This can be achieved on the basis of good collaboration between the 'producers' and the 'consumers' of health care professionals.


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How to Cite

Krumova, P. (2023). THE QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE – TRAINING AND PRACTICE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(4), 749–753. Retrieved from