
  • Dino Ćemić Cantonal Administration for Inspection Issues, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Zarema Obradović University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Health Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Nermana Ćemić Cantonal Hospital ¨Dr Irfan Ljubijankić¨, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Eldina Smječanin University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Health Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Jasmina Hrnjica Bajramović University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Health Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Amar Žilić University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Health Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Armin Kukić University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Health Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina


noise, school environment, student school-age children, health


Noise within the school environment is an unwanted sound or a combination of sounds that can come from different external and internal sources. Prolonged exposure to such distracting sounds can adversely affect learning, concentration, understanding, or the general well-being of school-age children. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended limit of background noise in school is 35 decibels. This article aimed to review the available scientific and professional literature to show the exposure of school-age children to noise in the school environment as well as the impact of noise on their health. Articles published in relevant databases from 2014 to 2023 were used as material for this review article. The analysis of the results of all used articles confirms that the measured noise levels in school environments are above the recommended values. Acoustic comfort directly depends on the location and age of the school building, the quality of the school infrastructure and learning equipment, as well as activities of students and teachers. The authors point out that noisy conditions have direct negative effects on learning, especially on the development of language and reading, as well as on the performance of memory tasks. In addition, the results confirm that noise pollution is directly related to headaches, fatigue, loss of concentration, as well as hindering communication between school-age children and teachers. Pedagogical actions in combination with technological tools can help not only in reducing the noise level, but also in maintaining it within the recommended limits. Recognizing noise as a source of pollution, improving acoustic conditions as well as actively implementing noise management strategies within the school environment is highlighted as a necessity to ensure a healthier and more productive environment for school-age children.


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How to Cite

Ćemić, D., Obradović, Z., Ćemić, N., Smječanin, E., Hrnjica Bajramović, J., Žilić, A., & Kukić, A. (2024). NOISE EXPOSURE AND IMPACT ON THE SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN’S HEALTH. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(4), 537–544. Retrieved from

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