sports-preparatory games, students, training, benefitsAbstract
The “Physical Education and Sports” course curriculum in Bulgarian higher education is focused on improving both professional and general studens performance in order to compensate the negative effects of the increased mental load. At the same time, the discipline differs in styles, methodologies and practices due to the autonomy of Bulgarian higher education institutions and its place in the university curricula. Frequently, due to differences in the form of education (mandatory, optional, optional-mandatory with profiled education), different teaching methods and tools are applied. In this regard, a survey was conducted among teachers from 13 universities in the country, aimimg to summarize their experience and toughts on the role and place of sports-preparatory games in the training of students in volleyball, basketball and football specialized groups. As a result, it was discovered that the sports-preparatory games are taking significant application in sports classes. According to experts, the targeted use of different sports and preparatory games enrich motor culture and develop students creative and mental performance. The games are successfully used as an additional method for strengthening sports technical elements in the new constantly changing environment, together with opportunities for complex development of the motor skills. The survey results show that preparatory games during a class, for achieving a full warm-up of the whole body and increasing the psycho-emotional attitude and mood, have the greatest application. The preparatory games diversify the sports activities and have a positive effect on the general mood during the physical education classes. They stimulate pleasant emotions, competitive mood and an opportunity for both individual and team performance. The sports-preparatory games provoke the students to demonstrate their emotionality, teamwork and activity to greatest extent.
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