
  • Aferdita Ilazi Hoxha University of Tetovo, Republic of North Macedonia


Planning, teacher, subject teachers, quality of planning, modern teaching


The educational learning process is equally important and complex. Planning is one of the most important stages of the realization of the lesson, which implies that if the planning is not qualitative, then the other stages of the realization of the lesson will not be satisfactory and the desired effectiveness and also the required efficiency of the lesson will not be achieved. The teacher as the main organizer and implementer of teaching, with his approach and correct attitude, as well as with his pedagogical and scientific preparation, except for the duty of planning the lesson, he must at the same time measure the quality of his planning. We see the teacher in contemporary teaching from different perspectives: the teacher as a researcher, organizer, implementer, leader, motivator and as a collaborator with students in interactive teaching. This research is aimed at analyzing the quality of the lesson planning by subject teachers in primary schools in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. The main goal of this research is to prove when teachers analyze the quality of the lesson planning, i.e. to see the difference in the time when male teachers analyze the quality of planning of their lesson compared to female teachers. Based on these goals, the following research methods will be used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative method and statistical method. A survey was used as a research technique, and a questionnaire was used as a research instrument, which surveys subject teachers in primary schools from different places of the Republic of Northern Macedonia. The survey was conducted online through the Google Forms application. With this research we have obtained data on when teachers perform an analysis of the quality of planning of the lesson. The question that was asked to the teachers is: "I do an analysis of the quality of the planning of the lesson:", and the possible answers are arranged in six categories: a. At the end of each lesson; b. At the end of the working day; c. Once a week; d. Once a month; e. At the end of each semester; f. Once a year. Teachers had the opportunity to choose multiple categories of answers, depending on their planning analysis. The collected results indicated the conclusion that the majority of male teachers analyze the quality of planning of the lesson at the end of each lesson, and on the other hand the majority of female teachers analyze the quality of planning of the lesson at the end of the working day. Our conclusion is that all subject teachers in the primary schools in the Republic of Northern Macedonia make their own analysis of the quality of the planning of their lesson, but they do it at different times.


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How to Cite

Ilazi Hoxha, A. (2022). THE QUALITY OF THE LESSON PLANNING IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 52(2), 245–249. Retrieved from