
  • Kamelia Petkova Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria


Local communities, festivals, holidays


In recent years, local holidays have become increasingly relevant in terms of the energy they carry in themselves for the preservation and development of local communities. Numerous studies are available in the specialized literature, focusing on the nature and their impact on the cultural, social and economic life of the community. For a working definition of the term "local" communities we take the definition "a form of coexistence of a group of individuals located in a network of social relations, its members perform socially significant activities within a defined, clearly defined territory." (Kelian, M.2010). The structural defining feature in relation to the local community is the common territory for its members, as it is important not so much its physical and geographical characteristics, but the nature and quality of the social relations that characterize it (Kelian, M. 2010: 42-43). Given their nature, we should emphasize one of their specifics, related to the fact that these holidays on the one hand can be considered as events related to the ancient traditions and customs of the particular community in a given locality, and on the other through them. maintain and strengthen the relations between the members of the community, making them more united and cohesive in the modern global world. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, local holidays have a significant impact on the local community, as they help strengthen equality and solidarity between its members (Rousseau, 2018).

Based on in-depth interviews and focus group discussions conducted within the project on "Local Festivals: a resource for local communities to deal with crises", funded by the Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science, an attempt will be made to prove and draw empirically way the importance of local holidays for the preservation of local communities. Without claiming to be exhaustive, the different points of view of representatives of local authorities, organizers of local holidays from conducted quality surveys in the municipalities of Sadovo, Bеrkovitsa and Bozhurishte will be presented.


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How to Cite

Petkova, K. (2021). THE LOCAL FESTIVALS BETWEEN TRADITIONS AND THE MODERN WORLD: AN EMPIRICAL VIEW. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(6), 1295–1300. Retrieved from

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